Last Saturday I left the house fairly early, (for me anyway) to go and help a friend work on his car. Tandy said she had an errand to run and wanted to go to Lowe's and look at some paint for the entry hall. I said great and maybe look at light fixtures too and see what you might like, then I went on about the day's business. Well, the car fix did take longer than I first thought, (I'm a little out of practice I guess), but when I got back home there was a lot more done in the entry hall done than I thought possible. Now, the house was built in 1973 and we moved in when it was 5 years old and that wallpaper had never changed. In fact, there was a big bright square spot where the mirror had been for years compared to the darker paper around it. I never gave it a thought. That's the way it always had been and I never had a problem with it. Until it became MY entry hall, then it occurred to me. That's some ugly wallpaper there. And the light fixture, I'm not sure I can describe it all that well, kind of a lantern shape with a gold colored glass that gave off poor light. Well, that's why there was no objection to Tandy's wishes and since it was cheap to do such a small area it has become our first finished decorating project with, I'm sure, many more to come. Now, I failed to take a picture before she began so I had to go looking through some old family pictures to get a "before" picture of the hallway. But you'll be able to see quite a difference. I took a picture of the light out on the front porch since it matched the entry fixture. Tandy did all of the work. She taped it off and painted 2 coats and then she helped me hang the quilt rack for the flag that used to hang in my living room. Then we ran off to Lowe's together and quickly agreed on a new light fiture that was well within budget and I installed that and there you have it. For those of you that know that entry hall well it will be a striking change, for those that don't.......Hopefully the pictures will be enough to tell the tale.

A christmas picture from a few years ago, you can make out the pattern around the mirror.

Some of mom's flowers here, a better look at the 34 year old wallpaper. 
Here is the lamp that matches the old indoor fixture.
Here is the bright, new hallway from the dining room point of view, note the new light fixture much brighter than the old one.
And here is a picture of the hall from the living room.
Hey, I like what you have done.
It looks good. Nice to see it become Craig, Tandy, Jack, Amanda, Jeff, and Lizzy's home.
Hope thinks are going well for you.
Love Jackie
Hahaha!! Yes, that was some pretty ugly wallpaper. I'll be looking forward to other pictures to see changes. Miss you. Maybe we'll be back this fall for a day or two and can see you all then.
I think it's really beautiful, both the decorating, and seeing your family come to inhabit such a special place.
Love you, miss you, want to see you when I'm home.
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