Friday, January 26, 2007

It can be ugly.....

This world we live in, it can be very ugly at times.

Maybe you've heard about or seen the new DVD formats that are available. HD-DVD and Blu-Ray discs. I just read recently a very interesting article suggesting that, much like it did in the VHS vs. Betamax debates, that the porn industry will play a major role in determining which format will become the most widely used. Let me just pause here a moment to ask if you've ever heard of, own or owned or know someone that owns, a VHS machine or machines in their own home. That's almost like asking if your home has carpet or a bed. The last few years the world has shifted to DVD media but it's still not as popular as the VHS has been. Now we are moving to a new and better (so they say) DVD format and the debate begins again. Which one? HD-DVD or Blu-Ray?

In 2006, according to the article, legitimate mainstream American cinema generated $9 billion in sales. Total revenue for the U.S. adult film industry, annual sales, rentals, and cable charges? $12.9 billion. Video sales at a significant decrease over past years; still accounted for 28% of that total. One of the big reasons that VHS won over BetaMax is because Sony wouldn't let menufacturing houses record pornography to their media. Sony is the company behind the Blu-Ray format for DVD, and already some adult indutry companies are having difficulty getting manufacturers to put their product on the Blu-Ray disc. However, the vice-chair of the Blu-Ray Disc Association was quoted saying that there is no specific anti-porn mandate when it comes to adult material on the format. It might be well said that 28% of $12.9 billion is $3.6 billion and taking into consideration Sony's fiasco with laptop batteries and poor PS3 sales last year it isn't too far fetched to think that they would consider lowering moral standards for a cut of that percentage. Right now Blu-Ray is just too time consuming and expensive compared to the HD-DVD format and they may have already lost.

Well, that's good as far as information is concerned but where does that leave us? We all know I think that porn is everywhere, literally everywhere, so the 12.9 number isn't to me all that shocking. The fact that the number is that high considering that porn is basically free, (you can find all you want on the internet and not pay a dime for it) is what amazes me. Then consider that we can avoid it when we know it's there, but how do you avoid the undercurrent of porn in society? The fact that the porn industry accounts for some pretty major consumer trends? I refer to my earlier question, how many people do you know that own a VHS player (or owned one)? Did you ever wonder why they didn't own a BetaMax machine?

I brought this up in devotional this morning before work and afterward Kerry shared an experience with us. He said he was out shopping for a new mattress in a local, large furniture store, and they had a large, glossy, full color poster advertising a mattress. On this poster were a man and a woman and an ad slogan for the mattresses. Kerry asked the salesman if he should know who the two on the poster were. He asked, "Don't you know? That's two of the most recognized adult film stars in America. There you have it, right in your face mainstream America, adult film stars selling you a mattress. Obviously I get the connection, but isn't that a little over the top? Kerry told the salesman that if that was how they were selling mattressess there that he would be doing business elsewhere. The salesman asked him if he was offended by it.

I'm not sure really what the point is today. Or even if there is one. I'm just kind of disgusted with what we have to put up with sometimes. Porn is so prevalent, so ingrained in society now that I don't think we even notice half of it anymore. Or don't recognize it for what it is. It's just something that we glance at and think, "Well, that's not something I'd do/say/wear etc." I wonder if we even get offended anymore. Well, I guess I am. Offended that is. I guess that's why I'm typing this up.

A friend, someone that spent a lot of time with the youth group at church, been a teacher to them, and a friend to some has been carrying on an affair with another church member for around 3 years. They are both married. In fact the two families are/were best of friends. Their children played together, went to bible class together. The entire faith structure for God only knows how many people is about to crash violently. It's disgusting and it offends me. I told my kids last night so they wouldn't have to read about it, or hear rumors about rumors and all the others things that might go on with this. I told them to pray for our friends in the wrong that they might correct it, and for those on the other side that they will keep their faith. And for the kids, they will need a lot of comfort and prayer. It makes me mad I guess because it's so close. I just went through this mess less than two years ago. If the offending parties knew how much damage they were causing, and they don't have any idea, they wouldn't do it (or wouldn't have done it). I'm not talking about hurting the spouse or the kids. It's that and all of the friends, co-workers, church family, family members and innocent bystanders as well. Adultery is a dirty, ugly thing that destroys families, faith and sometimes lives. There are many books on this subject, the long term damage of broken homes, but I don't think anyone really understands it until they see it first hand. I pray you won't ever have too.

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. I Corinthians 6:9-11


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