Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Minor Adjustments at 21774

So, how do you make a house, a home? Little by little. 21774, formerly route 1 box 110A, has been home for me for a long, long time even though things have changed over the years. I can't run and play on the other side of the creek like I did when I was younger because there are some trees down and it has grown over a little bit. But, it was never really mine until I signed papers for it 2 years ago. So, to make it mine I work the yard trying to get it back under control and make it a place that the kids can run and play in. I am desperately trying to win the war against poison ivy but so far have only succeeded in making it mad. I have killed and pulled up bags full already early this spring, which is great, but I must say that the new growth since then is absolutely lush. Leaves of 3 let it be they say, but I say Leaves of 3 kill it me!!

We are also working the inside little by little to make it uniquely ours. I posted previously about some of the changes. The next few posts will highlight more recent changes at 21774. It is slowly becoming our home. It's about time I guess, we've been there 2 years now. Audrey said the other day when she saw the changes that, "It looks like my uncle Craig's house now." That was really a sweet thing to say and Aud, I appreciate it.

So first up is a "minor adjustment." We purchased a new refrigerator a few weeks ago. Our old one died almost a year ago I guess and we borrowed Richard and Angie's extra one for a while. It's a side by side and the shorter doors really work well at the end of that counter even though the refrigerator is bigger than the old one was. Speaking of bigger......the house was built in 1973 and the spot for the refrigerator is pretty much standard sized. Standard for 1973 that is. Since then, refrigerators have gotten bigger, but the spot has not. So the excitement of a new refrigerator was briefly dampened by the realization that it would not fit in the spot made for it. Minor adjustments were required. I debated cutting the countertop back to increase the space, but Tandy wouldn't let me do that. As I began to cut the trim on the dining room side of the spot she realized, "Oh, if you cut my countertop, I get a new one don't I?" Oh well, maybe next time. What I thought was going to be a big operation turned out to be pretty simple and although it needs a little touch up paint, it looks pretty good.

More to come, stay tuned.......

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Tell them about the paint! Tell them about the paint! Tell them about the paint!

Verse of the Day