Monday, April 2, 2007


For a while we thought that Noah might row up in time for the wedding, but I guess he missed the turn at the I-40 junction. The current was pretty strong on the new I-35 and I-40 riverways. It stands to reason that for as long as the drought was that when rain did finally come, it would all come at one time. But, after a brief stay in a sheltered room, we got started on time and everything went off without a hitch. Well, Tandy and I got hitched but other than that....

I have much to catch up on. There are pictures to post, stories to tell, laptop crashes to recount, etc. and so on. I'll try to work in one a day here for a while, postwise that is, so stay tuned.

It feels good to have a helper again, and surely if anyone needs a helper, it's me. We spent time with God Sunday morning, just the two of us. Prayed together and had our first communion as husband and wife.

Wife, friend, confidant, helper.........Tandy Marie Dodgen



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