So, having painted the girls room, Tandy moved on to Jeff's room later that week. Jeff had settled on a two color scheme, which in itself is fine, but rather than having different colors on separate walls he wanted squares. Squares! Anyway, Tandy said, "yes, ok." I have since been trying to teach Tandy a new word that many would consider the linear opposite of yes. Well, the damage was done, (Squares? Sigh.) and the painting was begun. Four walls of sidewalk gray and then the squaring could begin. Squaring begins by taping off the walls in an up and down pattern, realizing that the squares are not of equal size, pulling down the tape in an up and down pattern, retaping the walls, then looking at Jeff and saying Squares!?! what were you thinking? Why not stripes? After a break to go to Wednesday night worship and get some advice (lots of advice, some of it was even helpful), the walls were once again retaped in an up and down pattern this time in an acceptable manner. Squares were achieved!

Taking the picture down the walls like this give it the illusion of being convex, it was really weird to look at and we thought that Jeff might need dramamine when we were done to get to sleep without getting sick.

Tandy thought that the walls looked like the Holodeck on Star-Trek The Next Generation when they were all taped up like this. She's really Trekkie that one, oh, I mean tricky. So, once the paint was (mostly) dry, you might as well get down with your squareness, right? She was just going to do a "few", but then Amanda wanted to try a few, and soon enough it was 1:00 am and most of the squaring was done.

The remaining wall was taped and mostly painted by the time that I got home from work the next day. Here's Picasso finishing up the last of the red squares. Another quick coat of red and off comes the tape. Voila!

The finished product looked much better than I anticipated. This project took 3 days I think and Jeff spent them in the living room on the couch. He had no idea that he was getting new bedsheets and stuff and was quite surprised by his black/red comforter and sheets. So far there have been no reports of motion sickness or sleeplessness from Jeff.

Next we will move across the hallway where no squares will be found. Stay tuned!