Jack Dodgen
"You can't choose your family"
It's a quote usually used in jokes about dysfunctional families. In my case it's a blessing. I could not have chosen for myself anyone better than the father I was blessed by God to have. I was told not long ago by a friend, "You remind me of your father". It's the best compliment that I could hope to receive. I only hope that someday I can be the same kind of man to my boys that he was to me. He was my hero and I greatly miss him.
I don't have any more words to say, but I'll happily read your comments if you have them and you are willing to share them.

Your blog is interesting, great laughs, but also gut wrenching moments. I went back and read the mystery supper blog and laughed until I cried, and then this one again, and just plain cried. They both represent what you have gone through. I was not fortunate to know your father, but I know the son now, very well, and your dad would have been proud of you. The test of a man cannot be when things are going well, but must be measured when times of trial arise. Unfortunately Craig, they have for you, and you have come through them a stronger man. I love that you keep the memory of your parents alive for your children, but also for the rest of us who may not have known them. I know this has been a tough year of anniversaries for you, but stay strong, keep the faith. I cannot walk your way for you, but I can certainly petition God that he surround you and your family with his love. Thanks for your openess in your blog.
The last time I saw Papa was at my wedding. There is a picture in my album of me and Josh and Granny and Papa. When we took the picture Papa reached behind my back and held my hand.
He was not a man given to a great deal of sentimentality (until he got older, I guess) but he was always tender and funny. Every time I look at that picture I think of how much he loved me, and how little it needed to be said.
I did not know him well or for very long, but I think he may be the most masculine and godly man that I have met. A true cowboy for Jesus, if there's such a thing. I am blessed to have known him for at least a little while.
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