Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Checking In.....

Ok, it's been awhile. I really didn't realize how long since the last post until my loyal readers (both of them) pointed out that I hadn't blogged in a long time. I haven't run out of thoughts, I've just been busy.

I started teaching Bible class this month and have been concentrating on weekly study for class. It has, as usual, been a blessing, but it's also hard work and I like it. We are studying the book of Acts and I began teaching in chapter 6 with the story of Stephen. It's a great story. What an impact his life (and death) had on the church. And what an impact it had on the one in attendance giving consent to his death. Saul's presence there was the beginning of change that would turn him from a role as the chief persecutor of the church to its greatest advocate in the gentile world. Truly a life of repentance. Last week and this week we are talking about Peter and Cornelius, wonderful stuff. "God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life." And I'm certainly thankful for that.

I've also been preparing for the wedding, which has been fun. I have taken a much more active role in the planning this time which is greatly appreciated by my bride. I did make a mistake the other day however. I discovered that you can get personalized M&M's online. So I went and looked at them and decided they were pretty cool, but a little too pricey. But, I showed them to Tandy just for kicks and what do you know, they were delivered yesterday. And they are pretty cool but I think I'll keep any other neat, expensive ideas I get to myself.

Friends threw a shower for her this last Sunday. We got a lot of great gifts and have a lot of people to thank. Our two favorite gifts, in no particular order, were the couples devotional Bible from the Edmond church staff and wives, and the fact that all of her new sisters got to be there.

We have officially booked our delayed 'moon. Cozumel for a week in June, woohoo! Never been to Mexico, never really been to the beach, never been snorkeling and I'm already excited to try it all. We have also booked a day long sailing trip around the island, which as I understand from all the reviews online and from a co-worker, is well worth the money. I haven't decided what to do on the weekend of the wedding, I'm saving it to surprise Tandy. I'll take suggestions if you have any. Last night we went and picked out a band to go with her ring. I'll post pictures of the completed ring, once it is completed. 31 days left 'till the wedding, if you're in town come on by, we'd love to have you. Don't forget to grab some M&M's........

More soon,

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Crimson and Orange Don't Mix

That's what it says on the cup at Sonic anyway. Crimson and Orange don't mix. So I ordered a Cowboy Cooler with my lunch yesterday, it was pretty good I guess, basically just orange soda. It came in a cup that said Crimson and Orange don't mix........In a Crimson and Orange cup. I took my cup to church last night to point out this contradiction to a man that attends there. He's a bigwig in the Sonic corporation and I thought I would give him a bit of a hard time about it. I was too late though, I said I wanted to register a complaint with him about his company and he said ok sure, then he saw the cup I was holding and said it for me. You're disappointed that the cup has two colors on it aren't you? You're the 3rd person that's brought that up to me, he said. Oh well, I guess he stole my thunder, but I did tell him if they do it again next year they should ship two different cups; one Orange and the other one ugly. heeheehee

Crimson and Orange did mix last night, at least for a little while, on the basketball court. Bedlam part 2. I must say the only thing louder than the crowd last night was the Cowboys screaming orange jerseys. Didn't help their play any though. It was a pretty good game, though I wish the officials had let them play a little more, there were an awful lot of little touch fouls called. Considering the Cowboys offensive efforts of late, I thought they did very well to keep this game close. They are really struggling these days while OU seems to be going the opposite direction with their gameplay. You gotta make the free ones though. OU did, Cowboys didn't, simple as that. Good game and OU wins bedlam this year 128-126. Here's hoping for bedlam part 3 in the Big 12 tournament. One thing I really didn't care for though, the OU crowd. The cup thing, you know, it's just for funnies, rivalry stuff, got a lot of laughs from friends on both sides of the court, I don't think that it was unsportsmanlike in its delivery or its intent. I only got to watch the second half last night, after we got home from church, and twice in that second half the crowd began to chant OSU sucks!, which I consider both unsportsmanlike and demeaning. I don't recall hearing a chant like that at the game in Stillwater 2 weeks ago but maybe I just overlooked it. I wouldn't support it there either. Pride in your team is one thing, but using that pride to demean someone else or their team is just sad. So, yay! for a good contest on the floor and congratulations to the Sooner men, but boo! to the crowd.

Ride 'em Cowboys,


Verse of the Day